Starting out... as a first-time CTO


2 min read

Hi, I'm Kirk and I'd like to share a story.

I'm writing this reflecting on last week, last month, even the last year, recognising that it has been like no other. K-Safe, a company built around the key belief that technology can save lives, is set to full warp speed. The team shares a strong vision, we've planned our strategy, and we're staring at one hell of a pipeline.

But even with all of those things in place, what made last week the most special of them all was the completion of our angel funding round.

We've done it. We've filled the tank with enough fuel for our next mission, to expand our services and to build something entirely revolutionary for the world to use. Each preventable road death a key motivation to all of us at the team.

Whilst I can't say too much about the future products, I can say I look at a list of new things to discover;

  • An experienced board - up until now, we've used our raw talents and instincts to get us this far. We've now got a great board full of experience and knowledge to draw upon.
  • Moving out of an entirely lean startup methodology, to using money carefully and intentionally to accelerate innovation and maximise our return-on-investment (ROI) across our products.
  • Building a team - wow, we can now hire great minds to help join our mission and drive forward with more pace and knowledge than ever before.

So, follow me as I post my weekly observations, learnings and thoughts on life as a CTO and founder and I hope we can learn from each other.